Thursday, October 3, 2024

Image from Pinterest

As a retired librarian I finally have time to read for leisure. No more policy statements, computer manuals, or textbooks.  I can spend an afternoon in Maine without leaving my couch.  

But I do leave my couch to shop, go to church, and work in my garden. 

Life is good and I'm very thankful.  It's a small life but small is fine by me.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Happy Flower

When I step out on my deck, I get a big hello from my Gerber daisies.  They are much larger now compared to when I planted them.  I guess they thrive on the same things I do...

Good roots, fresh water, sunshine, and a smile from a passerby.  These flowers don't travel, don't do amazing things, or compete with other flowers.  They are happy with who they are and where they are planted.  Me too.

I probably don't smell as sweet but that's okay.  

Saturday, April 6, 2024


Ah, the wrinkles. A little girl once asked me why I had wrinkles on my neck. I told her it is where I store my wisdom. She thought I was very wise. As I get older, I think of the people I've lost to illness, accidents, and age. I may be wrinkled but "that's okay" because I'm still here and so very thankful for my family and friends. We're all just doing the best we can and that is enough. I guess God's job for me still requires my presence.  Amen.