Thursday, December 13, 2018

Christmas Past

I can barely see Casey's picture without feeling an ache in my soul. I think I felt real love from her.  Out of all the dogs in the world, I would choose her. Out of all the humans in the world, she would choose me.  I had a dream about her the night I had her put to sleep. She was fat and ran into my arms. Last night I had a dream about her but she was really skinny and just looked at me. I think the fat Casey is when she was happy and the thin Casey would be her feeling sick if I had kept her alive until her kidneys finally gave out. So I know I did the kindest thing for her but I still miss her like crazy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you miss her so much you two were good for each other.

I miss all of my babies as well.

All they ever asked for was love and treats of course 🐶

Casey is with you always