Thursday, December 13, 2018

Christmas Past

I can barely see Casey's picture without feeling an ache in my soul. I think I felt real love from her.  Out of all the dogs in the world, I would choose her. Out of all the humans in the world, she would choose me.  I had a dream about her the night I had her put to sleep. She was fat and ran into my arms. Last night I had a dream about her but she was really skinny and just looked at me. I think the fat Casey is when she was happy and the thin Casey would be her feeling sick if I had kept her alive until her kidneys finally gave out. So I know I did the kindest thing for her but I still miss her like crazy. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Bake Sale

Staff at work were having a "bake sale" to benefit the United Way. Sure, I'll play along. So, I thought I'd make some pumpkin cookies. This is what my counter looked like midway through. The cookies were good and they went pretty quickly at the bake sale but I have to say there is a reason to visit Sugar Plum bakery.  Humpff.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Pumpkin Time

When the kids around me were little our Halloween holiday was a great event.  We had all kinds of decorations and costumes.  One of my favorites was when we costumed my niece as a TV set and her younger brother as a remote control.  My niece said "just like real life" and sighed.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Thar She Blows!!!

Lower the sails, we are in for some nasty weather. Hurricane Florence is headed our way. Now, usually once the storm hits the sand banks of North Carolina the storm turns out to sea. Let's hope for the same thing. How do I prepare? Water? ✔ Soft pajamas? ✔ Good book? ✔ Cookies ✔. All the bases are covered.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Learning to Fly

I watched a bird flutter around the yard. You know how Snoopy's friend Woodstock flies in loop-de-loops? Well, that is what this crazy bird was doing. It just couldn't seem to figure out how to fly upwards onto the bird feeder. After watching it for about 10 minutes I finally realized it was just a baby cardinal. It had weird red feathers poking out of the top of its head. So comical I started laughing.  I thought about putting some birdseed down for it but then I would have taken away her chance to be proud of herself. I think she learned because a few days later I think I saw her on the bird feeder with the other birds. Sometimes you just have to sit back and let the youngsters figure things out... and laugh as they laugh at us oldsters.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Window

There's something intriguing about an open window. Am I invited in or is something trying to escape? Is fresh air invited in or stale air swooshed out? Is the view better outside or inside? I could go on but you get the picture. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


On my way to work I pass small bodies of water. This one caught my eye. The water was black, the pollen was yellow, and the slightly cool breeze we were enjoying made a beautiful swirl design. I say, any excuse to delay work and enjoy nature is a good thing.

Actually, I like going to work in my "big girl" clothes. Plus I like the people I work with.  Plus I'm only working part-time. I say life is pretty good right now.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


 At Yorktown, Virginia, there was a terrible battle.  In order to survive the attack from the British the inhabitants ran down to the river and hid under the cliffs and in the caves.  This is one of those caves.  Can you imagine hiding in a cave in fear for your life?  Sometimes we all need a cave.  Thankfully we eventually, when ready, take small steps back out into life.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Darn Flies

This time of year I find all sorts of creepy crawlies in the yard. The most irritating are the flies! I guess they enjoy the smell of my sweat because it seems as soon as I sit down to cool off they start buzzing around me. Maybe I should stop working in the yard? Naw, I enjoy it and it keeps me slim(ish) and trim(ish) so I will keep at it.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Checkbook Challenge

I hate to balance my checkbook. I have been doing it for over 40 years, from way before the time of computers. In all that time I have not found one mistake that the bank made, not one! I myself have messed up a couple of times but the bank has always been right. So why the heck do I keep balancing my checkbook? Am I brave enough to trust the bank and not my own bookkeeping? I guess I will just put my neck out and see if I can let it go. Probably not.  Sigh.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Lucky Lake

Someone recently asked me if we had fun at the lake. Dad retired from the US Navy and lived in a 2 bedroom house on Lake Gaston. Our family had a lot of fun but I think I will remember most how happy Dad was. A good fisherman too!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

C'mon Spring!

The sun is out today but it is still chilly. I am anxious to open the windows and let the fresh air blow through the house. I confess, I need to run my "self-clean" on the oven but need to open the windows first. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. The crusty baked beans will just have to burn some more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


I am ready for Spring. Every once in awhile the sun comes out and I just want to go out and dig in the dirt. My daffodils are coming up and my "tulip tree" is getting ready to bloom.  Yeah!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Abstract Art

One of my favorite things to do is to clean stuff. I love the way my home smells after I've dusted it with lemon Pledge. I like the way the bathroom tile shines when I've removed all the soap scum. I like the one bowl of fruit on clean kitchen counters. I like how bright the refrigerator is after I've tossed all the plastic containers of food I should have eaten a week ago. I especially love climbing into bed with a good book and clean sheets. Life's simple pleasures really are the best.