Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Holidays Approacheth

This is the time of year our church sells apples as a fund raising activity.  I sold my share this year and took some to the library to share.  They were a hit, probably because they are so fresh.  I remember years ago going to the western part of Virginia with a friend (you!) to get apples.  I suspect that  next year when I take order forms to work I'll sell even more. By the way, it's cold and windy outside and I'm snug and warm.  Stay cozy everyone.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Casey, So cute!

Casey would tell you she loved Halloween.  I made these Voki spots for her on my Casey Speaks page.  Every once in awhile I go back and remember....

Saturday, August 24, 2019


I just got home from the grocery store. I drove there in my own car. I walked, unassisted into the store. I had an array of healthy foods from which to choose. I chatted with a neighbor I saw there. I paid for my groceries without worrying if I had the money or not. Then I drove to my home with big trees, water in lakes, and a yard that is prettier every year. So when I thought "I have to go to the store" what I really should of said is "How blessed I am to be able to go to the store". Perspective is everything. Oh, those are mushrooms in the picture that grow on an old tree stump out back. I don't eat those!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I Can See Clearly Now

These are my new glasses. They are a nice navy blue and truly spiffy. I can see far and near. They turn dark in the sunlight. But dang it now I can see all the sun spots on my arms, all the dust on the car steering wheel, and the wrinkles on my neck.  I guess there are always trade offs.  I like them.

très chic

Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Greenhouse

This is the greenhouse that Bert built. I remember coming home from work and Bert was in the backyard building my greenhouse. It was a beautiful afternoon, he had music playing, and was having a great time. He was happy. Thank you Bert for the good memory. I think of you everyday. Bert Snelling was killed in a mass shooting in Virginia Beach on May 31, 2019.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Garden Shot

What a rain storm we had.  I thought it was a bit like God with a power washer.  Okay by me, it makes digging in the soil (John says dirt is in the house, soil is outside) and planting new azaleas. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Lone Daffodil

Well, it seems like Spring is just around the corner. I'm ready. There are pinecones all over the yard and the squirrels are sitting on the bench looking at me. Then I see this lone daffodil. I guess the great outdoors is calling. Hurry up Sun!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Quiet Beach Spot

Yes, this is a section of Virginia Beach that shares its name with a city of almost 1/2 a million people. This quiet remote spot is one of the last places to find a beach untouched by housing. I love it.

For the new year I hope you can find your quiet spot too.