Favorite Quotes

Delinsky, Barbara. Escape. Doubleday,  2011.
  • "Escape the scary newness by doing the mundane."
  • "Best friends have chemistry, history, and the ability to forgive."
  • "I am leaving my mark on the world my way."
Montaigne, Complete Essays
  • "I want people to see my natural and ordinary pace, however off the track it is.  I let myself go as I am.  My intention is to pass pleasantly, not laboriously, what life I have left.
  • Receive things thankfully in the aspect that they are offered to thee day to day; the rest is beyond thy knowledge.
Moore, Thomas. Care of the Soul in Everyday Life. Harper/Perennail ed. 1994.
  • "A deepening of consciousness sometimes requires a strong move in life." p.88
  • "We are who we are because of the special mix that makes up our soul." p.121

Walker, Alice. Her poem Grace
  • "This, I think, is wealth.  Just this choosing of how a beautiful day is spent."